Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Belief Statement

“We believe that children are our greatest resource” and it takes a village to
raise a child so it must involve education, family, church, and the entire

Would you believe this garbage is on our school's website as part of their belief statement? And people deny the fact that there is a liberal agenda in our public schools. LOL! Seriously, I would bet the person responsible doesn't even realize how objectionable that comment is. It has become cliche - thanks to the good ole liberal media. People unknowingly buy into what they hear. I've been there.

It does NOT take a village to raise a child. It takes devoted PARENTS.
I know, I know...but parents aren't doing what they should as far as their kids are concerned. Why do you suppose that is? Hmmm... maybe because they don't have to. They can rely on the parental government/schools to do just about everything for them - breakfast, lunch, before school care, after school care, after school snack, tutoring, guidance, physicals, dental exams, and so on. Shame on the parents who are content to give it all up in order to make life a little easier. And shame on the government for encouraging this forbearance in order to add another drone to the work force. The government will gladly take over your children so you can contribute to the economy. Heck, they'll even give you money to pay someone else to watch your kids. Money, money, money!
We all benefit from an educated populace - true. We need education and I can see the government wanting to make that a priority, but why wouldn't they encourage people to parent first and foremost? Undoubtedly, society would benefit from that far more.

I'm planning on reading Rick Santorum's book - "It Takes a Family". Now, that I might agree with. Reading this "belief statement" might have inspired me to get to the book faster.


Sheri said...

LMAO! Isn't that the funniest thing you've ever read? What's sad is most people don't realize what this means.
Ah, but they will. When their child is being forced into something (against the child's and the parent's wishes) THEN they will realize and say, "Hey, this is my kid. YOu're not allowed to tell me what to do!"

But, it all starts with the attitude that a child NEED a village to raise him. Ha! Keep your village and give me the village idiot to teach! That's my thoughts on the matter. :)

I also like NHELD's belief that "It takes a village to ruin a school". I agree.

Tracie said...

Hey Sheri! Thanks for stopping by. I don't have much here yet - just a place to vent mostly.
Yes, some parents get a rude awakening. Sadly, it seems others are okay with it and allow it because either they don't know it doesn't have to be that way or because it is easier to go along with it than it is to do something about it.

I'm not familiar with the NHELD. I will check them out - Thanks!

Sheri said...

Hey there! :) I just realized this morning that I never addressed your most recent message to me. But, now I can't find it. I did find one message that was deleted by the author. Was that your message?

Okay, I don't mind the book recommendation at all. I've had several ladies mention the book Left Behind to me about this issue. It is apparently quite similar to what is going on in the world today. Also, I really enjoy reading and learning about different religions. So, please feel free to give any recommendations you feel would be helpful. After all, one cannot make an informed choice if they are not informed. Right? ;)

And hey! When are you going to start posting more entries to your blog? :)

Tracie said...

LOL, Sheri! I've been thinking I should update. I came here to do just that when I saw your post. I haven't told family and friends about the blog yet because I didn't have it "ready".

Yeah, I deleted a comment from your blog. I was just rambling anyhow ;-) Thanks for not getting upset about the book. I just read it last weekend and recommended it to a lot of people...okay everyone I know:). I didn't want you to think it had something to do with the previous conversation.