Sunday, September 21, 2008

The 2008 - 2009 School Year Is Underway

We started school on Aug 25th when my oldest son went to public school. We had some semblance of a schedule that we were following for the first two weeks. We were all sick the second week, and it was just really hard to get into a routine this year. I was late ordering books and didn't have lesson plans ready. Not that I didn't try, I just couldn't get it together. There never seems to be enough time in a day.
I've browsed some blogs and saw quite a few others who were dragging as well. Maybe this is normal. And maybe I shouldn't feel badly since, after all, the weather is still nice. Isn't this part of the beauty of homeschool? They aren't stuck in some stuffy building when there are holes to dig, gardens to tend, and things to fix....or tear apart if you're a 10 year old boy.

Art any rate, we are in full swing now. This is what my 5th grade son is using this year...

- A Beka
- Math U See - (Intermediate- old program)

- Voyages In English 5
- Easy Grammar
- Daily Grams

- A Beka

- A Beka

- The Story of the World Vol. 2

- I'm thinking about Real Science 4 Kids.

We're hoping to do a lot more literature based studies this year.
The Giver
Thomas Edison
Noah Webster
Where the Red Fern Grows

Some lapbook/notebook topics
China - Olympics

My 2.5 year old daughter likes "school" too. We usually try to find things for her. I thought about buying some sort of curriculum for her, but decided against it. To keep her busy, we give her paper, scissors, glue sticks, crayons and markers. The girl loves to draw, and loves for us to draw for her. I draw like a 4 year old, but she doesn't mind.
I also give her mess makers like dry beans or rice with some measuring cups and spoons, funnels, bowls, etc. It keeps her entertained for long periods of time so I guess it's worth the clean up when you need to give the other one some serious attention.


Amy© said...

I have had the hardest time getting motivated this year! The weather has been so beautiful, and there have been so many other things that have pulled at us! I think that is part of the beauty of homeschooling! We'll get there... at our own pace!

I did want to let you know that when my Juli was a little older than your daughter (primarily to keep her busy so she'd leave "her boys" alone!), I ordered the Preschool curriculum from Rod and Staff. There were seven workbooks, which cost a total of about twenty dollars. I sorted through them and realized that some were much easier than others. We started with the easy ones and worked through them gradually. I did not realize then that Rod and Staff actually considers Preschool, well, Kindergarten. Juli did the "easy" books when she was three. She moved on to the "harder" books at about four. Then when she started "kindergarten" at five, we had to adjust her curriculum. I love the Noah Webster Blue Book Speller (I bought mine from Christian Liberty Press and it was very economical!). We would work through a page or two a day, starting about the time she was four and a half or so. She is six now, and is a prolific reader! I'm not saying do it my way! I know everyone learns in different ways, etc. I'm just letting you know that, by complete accident, this worked for me. :) Feel free to question me or tell me to bugger off lol. And I apologize for writing a book in your comments section! In retrospect, I should have just emailed you... ;)

Tracie said...

Amy, thanks! I just might try your method.
I alwasy enjoy hearing from experienced moms. You're welcome to write a book here anytime ;)

"my boys" - that's so cute!
my daughter calls me "my mum"