Sunday, November 30, 2008

Trans- Siberian Orchestra

This music is so beautiful! I like most of their stuff, but this one moves me nearly to tears for some reason. Music does that to me sometimes ;-)

I want to go see them every year, but we never go, We're actually thinking about it this year. It's a 2.5 hour drive though so we might just go to see Manheim Steamroller locally. It's a lot cheaper too. I think they would both be pretty cool concerts. My middle child would love either and he's the main reason we're looking into it. Well that and my love of TSO!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Home Is Where My Heart Is

I knew I hadn't posted anything here in a while, but I didn't realize it was so long.
We made it through another season of football and soccer. Homeschool kid joined the public school band. Both boys are in wrestling now. As you moms know, that means lots of running. My husband works in the evening so I'm it.
Lately I've been feeling pretty irritable and depressed. There is always so much to do and so little time. I would quit my job in a heartbeat if I didn't need the extra cash.
My heart and mind are here at home. I think of everything I could be doing with my daughter (almost 3) and my homeschooled son (10). I have felt boards to make and folder games to play - art projects - theatres - museums.
I've been trying hard not to slip into a self pity mode, but I truly hate the way things are. I'm usually hopelessly optimistic, but something's gotta give here. I'm worn out.
When I read blogs of women who have military husbands who are deployed I'm ashamed of myself for whining. At least I have mine around to watch my kids while I'm at work and help with homeschool. But...but ...but I so resent having to work when all I want to do is be a wife and mom.
I'm working on paying some bills off, and when that happens I'll be home where I belong. I pray it isn't much longer.

The Giver

We read The Giver earlier this year. Great book! I printed a study guide free from someplace online, but I can't remember for the life of me where I got it from. I would like to do more literature unit studies of some sort, but so far we've been pretty busy.