Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Republicans - Too Conservative?

Since Arlen Specter (now D - PA) switched to the D side, I keep hearing (mostly) Democrats talk about how Republicans want someone who is ...well.. pretty much a Democrat. I call BS.

This past election, I didn't vote for John McCain. I decided I wouldn't vote R until the party found a candidate who better represents conservatism. Republicans obviously weren't unified in November, and unless something miraculous happens, I don't think Republicans in Washington will understand why. They don't know why they're losing big in elections. What don't they get? Republicans want a REPUBLICAN. Period. We don't want a neo-con, a RINO, a centrist, or a moderate. We want someone with integrity and consistency. We're don't need wishy-washy candidates who try harder to appeal to liberals than their own base. We could vote for someone who not only says he believes in small government, but has a record to prove it. We want someone who will stop spending our hard earned money! Give us a conservative and we'll give you the vote.

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