Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Republicans - Too Conservative?

Since Arlen Specter (now D - PA) switched to the D side, I keep hearing (mostly) Democrats talk about how Republicans want someone who is ...well.. pretty much a Democrat. I call BS.

This past election, I didn't vote for John McCain. I decided I wouldn't vote R until the party found a candidate who better represents conservatism. Republicans obviously weren't unified in November, and unless something miraculous happens, I don't think Republicans in Washington will understand why. They don't know why they're losing big in elections. What don't they get? Republicans want a REPUBLICAN. Period. We don't want a neo-con, a RINO, a centrist, or a moderate. We want someone with integrity and consistency. We're don't need wishy-washy candidates who try harder to appeal to liberals than their own base. We could vote for someone who not only says he believes in small government, but has a record to prove it. We want someone who will stop spending our hard earned money! Give us a conservative and we'll give you the vote.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Public School Prisoners Part 2 - Criminalizing Kids

Do you know what would happen if a student hit your child and your child defended himself?
Thanks to the idiotic zero tolerance mentality that has replaced common sense, your child, the victim, will likely be criminalized.
Any sort of physical altercation, including SELF DEFENSE, is regarded as an assault. It is common practice at our public school for the principal/assistant principal to have a child write out a confession/account of incident and sign it. They do this without so much as notifying the parent that there was a problem . A few weeks later, the parent will be notified of the child's court date. Yes, court date - as in legal proceeding. These aren't extremely violent incidents I'm talking about. Normal childhood altercations are made out to be criminal acts.

Let me say this again...School officials will have your child, who is likely under duress, sign a paper with every intention of using it against him in a court of law.
Do you see a problem here? These are MINOR children without a parent or any sort of representation present! School administrators know full well that they will be turning these cases over to a court, but they don't consider the rights of your child.
If you think they only do this to the worst kids who are continuously terrorizing other students, you're wrong.I've seen this happen to good kids who have never been in any kind of trouble. Besides, even the worst criminals have the right to representation.

When a child has a problem with bullies, they are told not to get physical with anyone under any circumstances. No matter what some jerk does to them, they aren't supposed to touch them. Isn't that a crock?

A little more on the daily injustices inside a public school...

Now, say a students smokes pot on the wrestling bus your son is on and you ask about it. We don't need to talk about that, and there will be no court hearing for it. Nor will there be for the students caught using drugs in school. But let a good kid get caught with some Tylenol.

A troubled kid can repeatedly hit your kid in the back, but when your child raises his hand and accidentally (by admission of the principal) backhands the the kid who is hitting him from behind, your child is threatened with court. The "troubled kid" who goes around hitting people and picking fights is defended by school staff because "he's come a long way".

And did you know it's okay for girls to call boys names.. like fat, but boys aren't allowed to call girls names ..like gorilla, "because girls are sensitive about their body image"?

My child had never been to court, but I've seen it happen to good kids who should never be made into young criminals. It's insane!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Warning: Right Wing Extremist

I am a right- wing extremist. I'm a church-going, home schooling, pro-life, independent voting, traditional values kind of nut job. Just so you know.

Friday, February 27, 2009


We watched Fireproof last weekend. I liked it. I don't like too many movies.
I know Christian Book Distributors has a Fireproof "kit". I think it would be nice for a couples group.

Anyone see it? What did you think?


I keep thinking I will do a better job of blogging. It's hard to find the time, and I have a problem with a pinched nerve or something in my neck. Typing is painful and my hands are numb most of the time. I have an MRI scheduled for next weeks so hopefully I'll finally get whatever it is fixed! It's been misery on and off since May. On top of that - my butt/hip still hurts from when I fell down my porch steps Christmas eve. Oh, and I've had a cough and sore throat for forever. They gave me antibiotics and I got worse. They gave me allergy meds and I got worse. I HATE going to the dr. I'm really very weird about it. I think you could call it a phobia. And I rarely do go, but the past few months I've gone about 5 times.

On a more positive note, my husband had back surgery earlier this month. He's doing great! He had a herniated disc and suffered for two years before he decided... no HAD to get it taken care of.

We got our Sunday school started up again! Our church had some problems and things really fell apart, but there are signs of new life. I thought about finding a new church so many times. I prayed a lot and just didn't feel led anywhere else - so I stayed. I'm still not sure that I will stay at this church long term, but for now it's right. My heart just melts as I watch little ones (including my 3 yo) learning the Bible through stories and songs.

Public school and homeschool are both going smoothly. Although I really feel a nagging sense of... of what?? - maybe guilt or conviction about my oldest being in public school. There is just sooo much wrong with all of it. I'll eventually get to my second part of public school prisoners and explain some of what I mean.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Public School Prisoners - Part 1

My middle kid joined the public school band. The other day I was picking him up and it struck me that he isn't a prisoner to that place anymore. We all felt free when we began homeschooling, but watching him come out without jumping through their hoops felt so good! I had reservations about having him participate in anything there, but this is on our own terms - the way it should be! He asked me what I was smiling about. I told him, but I don't think he will fully understand until he's older.
I wonder how irritating it is to the staff and administration that he comes and goes as he pleases.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Christmas and the New Year

The past month has been a whirlwind! I was off work from Dec. 24 to Jan. 5. I thought I would have time to catch up - silly me. I didn't feel well for most of that time, I fell down my porch steps when I went to help my poor old dog who fell down them first (ice), and my husband needs back sugery. Add to that, the usual holiday business, and preparation for a new Sunday school program.

I'm not complaining, mind you - I'm just saying ;-)

We had a wonderful Christmas, and I feel blessed to have my beautiful family.