Thursday, August 28, 2008

Homeschooling MY child irritates other people

This is only our second year homeschooling. It seems like the start of the public school year is the worst time for people to criticize our choice to do so. Is this typical, or is it just me?

I saw a "friend's" mother today. As soon as she saw me she let me know how much trouble I caused for her daughter and granddaughter. It seems little "Susie" wants to homeschool after talking to my son. They just can't do that. Mommy has too much on her plate, and "Susie" would become a recluse if she wasn't forced to go to school. Now poor mommy has to deal with "Susie" wanting to stay home - as if they didn't have enough to deal with. Sigh.
Can you say narcissist?

Second rude person of the day... a 14 yo. boy tells my 10 yo. son that he is a sissy because he homeschools.

I told my son to tell him that it was okay because sissies make good doctors.

Monday, August 25, 2008

The Toddler, The Garden Hose , The Standoff

If you have a toddler, you've probably been there. The two year old learns to spray the hose and holds the entire family at bay.
Adults are no match for three feet of sass with a water cannon and an ornery smile. We all stand just beyond her spray and think while the neighbors delight in our dilemma.
We thought we could outsmart her - she is only two for crying out loud. We had a great plan, which involved using the neighbor kid as bait. We sent him running as a decoy while one of my other kids made a break for the shut-off. Go Go Go! Almost there! - Whoosh! - She turns and cuts him off at the last second.
We regrouped and came up with another plan, but she fell and we seized the opportunity to disarm her.
Due to the quick, swift action of everyone involved, the incident ended with nothing more than a minor boo boo on a finger.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's the most wonderful time of the year...

My middle son was at the local pool today. He said "Hey, mom...Do you know what I heard a lot of parents saying at the pool today? - They said they are so happy their kids are going back to school."
I think he was offended :). I assured him thatI am quite happy he isn't going and that I never did like sending them because I enjoy being with them.
Why don't people like being with their children?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Homeschool Resource

VegSource has a homeschool discussion board and used curriculum board.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wedding Songs

My niece is getting married on Saturday so I'm reminiscing. I think a wedding is kind of like having a baby -you can't help but think of your own experience. Have you EVER told a childbirth story without every other woman in the room telling hers? And everyone thinks their labor was the worst even though we all know mine really was. = )

Anyway.... She was asking me about a certain song we had played at our reception. Naturally, I had to look it up on You Tube. Our first dance was a monster ballad - I'll Never Let You Go - Steelheart
For real.

At the church, my cousin did an amazing job singing two Stryper songs - Honestly and Together As One

What music did you have at your wedding?

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Homeschool Share

Homeschool Share is fantastic!
I love the idea of literature-based studies. This will make it so easy.
They have a lot that coincides with Five In A Row. I've been think about using Before FIAR for my daughter(2), so this helped me make up my mind. I found tons of stuff that I will use for my 5th grade son as well. I hadn't really considered FIAR for him, but the more I understand the concept the more I like it.

The free pritnables are wonderful for anyone. They have way more than FIAR studies. Countries, science, inventors, music - you name it.
Go buy some ink and have fun!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Keeping With The Anti-Obama Theme...

Letter in the newspaper.....

Obama Supporters Forget Our Freedoms

“People who vote for candidates because of only one issue should not even vote. ... Do everyone a favor and just stay home on April 22.”

“Put an end to conservatism.”

These are only a couple of the stunning comments made in the Readers’ Forum during the past few months.

Barack Obama supporters seem to have concluded the following:

Anyone who isn’t a Democrat is ignorant.

Anyone who isn’t a starry-eyed Obama worshiper is unintelligent.

Anyone who rejects a parental nanny-state is uninformed.

Anyone who believes we need to preserve the Second Amendment is a gun-toting redneck who clings to his guns.

Anyone who believes marriage should be between one man and one woman is a fundamentalist who clings to his religion.

Anyone who opposes abortion is a single-issue voter.

Anyone who rejects socialist policies lacks compassion for the poor.

Everyone should be a liberal Democrat.

Everyone should think alike.

Everyone should vote for Barack Obama in November.

Oh, that’s right … this is America!

“Should not even vote”? “End conservatism”? Unless a person had an antipathy to people who aren’t like him/her, why would someone make such statements?

The freedom to determine our own values and principles is what makes this country beautiful. We don’t have to agree.

Why the need to eliminate anyone with an opposing view? In this country, everyone has the right to think independently and vote for whomever they choose.

God bless America.

Obama, The Messiah