Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Keeping With The Anti-Obama Theme...

Letter in the newspaper.....

Obama Supporters Forget Our Freedoms

“People who vote for candidates because of only one issue should not even vote. ... Do everyone a favor and just stay home on April 22.”

“Put an end to conservatism.”

These are only a couple of the stunning comments made in the Readers’ Forum during the past few months.

Barack Obama supporters seem to have concluded the following:

Anyone who isn’t a Democrat is ignorant.

Anyone who isn’t a starry-eyed Obama worshiper is unintelligent.

Anyone who rejects a parental nanny-state is uninformed.

Anyone who believes we need to preserve the Second Amendment is a gun-toting redneck who clings to his guns.

Anyone who believes marriage should be between one man and one woman is a fundamentalist who clings to his religion.

Anyone who opposes abortion is a single-issue voter.

Anyone who rejects socialist policies lacks compassion for the poor.

Everyone should be a liberal Democrat.

Everyone should think alike.

Everyone should vote for Barack Obama in November.

Oh, that’s right … this is America!

“Should not even vote”? “End conservatism”? Unless a person had an antipathy to people who aren’t like him/her, why would someone make such statements?

The freedom to determine our own values and principles is what makes this country beautiful. We don’t have to agree.

Why the need to eliminate anyone with an opposing view? In this country, everyone has the right to think independently and vote for whomever they choose.

God bless America.

1 comment:

Amy© said...

Good post, Tracie!