Thursday, August 28, 2008

Homeschooling MY child irritates other people

This is only our second year homeschooling. It seems like the start of the public school year is the worst time for people to criticize our choice to do so. Is this typical, or is it just me?

I saw a "friend's" mother today. As soon as she saw me she let me know how much trouble I caused for her daughter and granddaughter. It seems little "Susie" wants to homeschool after talking to my son. They just can't do that. Mommy has too much on her plate, and "Susie" would become a recluse if she wasn't forced to go to school. Now poor mommy has to deal with "Susie" wanting to stay home - as if they didn't have enough to deal with. Sigh.
Can you say narcissist?

Second rude person of the day... a 14 yo. boy tells my 10 yo. son that he is a sissy because he homeschools.

I told my son to tell him that it was okay because sissies make good doctors.


Amy© said...

May I again refer you to this article? ;)

Hang in there!

Tracie said...

Ah, yes! Thank you for the reminder!
Homeschooling has been good for growing thicker skin.