Sunday, July 20, 2008

If homeschoolers were so smart .....

Most homeschoolers have probably already seen Laura Ingram's interview with Dr. William Bainbridge. I realize Í'm late here, but as any homeschooler would, I had a few problems with what he had to say.

First of all, he is a "forensic education expert". He holds the "Dr." and "expert" titles so we know he is educated. Why wasn't he better prepared for his bit with LI? He should be embarrassed. Í can't believe someone who is supposed to be as smart as he is would go on TV and run his mouth about something he didn't research.

He said something like..."If parent's are so smart why can't they work and afford private school?" I don't even know what to say about that.

There were a few more points that irritated me. He seemed to think a regular mom isn't capable of teaching all subjects or higher grades. He said "I haven't ever met anyone - one single person - on planet earth who is qualified to teach all the courses for example in a secondary school curriculum."
I guess he never met one of the many homeschoolers behind the statistics showing how well homeschoolers do.
Doesn't he realize public schools commonly have teachers placed in a subject outside their area of expertise? Many teachers have a master's degree in one area, and end up teaching another, regardless of their abilities. I removed my middle child from the public school. The woman who would have been teaching him science this year told me how much she resented teaching science while she held a master's degree in math. At the high school, there is a math teacher who also obviously resents her position. Her words were, "I'm not even supposed to be teaching math."
Those are just two examples. In our small district, I know of quite a few who would rather not be teaching their grade or subject. Compare that to a homeschool mom who has her own child's best interest in mind when teaching any given subject.
The wise Dr. went on to question a scenario in which a homeschooled child might want to pursue chemistry or math more intensely. He REALLY doesn't get homeschooling, does he?
Also, he might want to research home education curriculum before making such assumptions about a regular person's inability to teach higher grades. Í don't think he knows we can learn what we need to teach them, hire a tutor, rely on family or a homeschool cooperative, or use a program that offers DVD's and online classes.
If you were going to make the statements he made wouldn't you check into what's available to homeschoolers?

In case you haven't seen it...

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