Saturday, July 26, 2008

I support Barack Obama - and there's nothing I can do about it.

I work part time during the school year. I more or less had to join the worthless union. Either I pay to belong, or they would take my money anyway and call it my "fair share". It's anything but fair. If that isn't enough, I've been flooded with phone calls from "The Teamsters" campaigning for Barack Obama. The Teamsters must be pouring tons of cash out for BO. Guess where they get the cash? Guess what I get from the union? Nothing. Most of the calls were recordings from Jim Hoffa. Today a young man called and asked if I received the mailing they sent out. When I replied yes he said GREAT! so enthusiastically that I knew he was one of the starry eyed, awe struck, Obama worshipers. I asked hm if this is what my union dues were paying for, He said Yes! He was still excited so he must have thought I was grateful to know my money was going to such a worthy cause. Wrong. The union takes my money and gives me nothing, uses MY money to campaign for a candidate I would never vote for and he's all excited. Glad someone is.


Amy© said...

Hey Tracie, just send me your email. My email's listed on my profile, or if you want, leave a comment with it listed. I'll delete the comment w/o posting it. I always appreciate your input, and am more than happy to add you to the list! :D

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with everything you said. I can not believe that you many people are flocking to B.O. like he is the second coming of Christ.

Tracie said...

The worst part is I do believe he will be our next president. Scary!